As you play LEGO Fortnite Brick Life, the game will eventually task you to find an NPC to pick up your hourly cash payment or use it to complete tasks for the various jobs on offer.

Despite being a common theme for getting money and completing tasks, finding an ATM feels impossible as there is a sheer lack of them around. They are also well hidden, leading to some annoyance among the community.

Thankfully, there is a place where you can find an ATM pretty easily, even if it’s hidden away when it has no right to be.

LEGO Fortnite Brick Life ATM location

The best place to find an ATM is at the bank, located at the most northwestern point of the city portion of the map when playing LEGO Fortnite Brick Life. The building is also called Vaulted Vault Propositions and is the home to the Banker and Security Guard jobs.

When you enter the bank on the ground floor, you can find the ATM hidden away before you go towards the stairs and Midas’ office.

It’s hidden away, tucked in a corner that is really easy to run past. It took me a solid 10 minutes to find it, as I was looking for an ATM in the walls or around the bank and up the floors. It’s the only ATM in the building, which seems weird for a bank that’s meant to be all about money. You’d think there would be multiples of these everywhere.

If you are trying to find the ATM to complete the Collect a Sack O’ Cash mission, you’ll first need to grab a Citation Ticket from the nearby table and use it at the ATM to pull out the Sack of Cash. You also need to make sure you’ve taken out your hourly pay before you can complete the mission.

You’ll need to come back to the ATM every hour you play to pick up your next paycheck from your jobs, so try not to stray far from the bank if you can help it. The hourly payments don’t stack, and you’ll need to collect one before another one can come in.

Read the full article here

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