The weather has always been what Brits make small talk about. Those from other nations are regularly amazed at the apparent satisfaction we derive from talking about a phenomenon that is often set-your-watch predictable in other countries. In the UK, we even joke about it ourselves.
But in recent times the weather has found a conversational rival in The State Of The Roads.
We all love to complain about the mess the roads are in around the area where we live, sometimes with a little comedic effect (‘the roads of Surrey are so bad, you can’t tell where on-road ends and off-road begins’, and other such gems). And often it’s not funny to the point of being downright dangerous.
We all love to imagine that our particular region or county is the worst of all, but thanks to new research by Compare the Market, we can know for sure.
Topping the list for the worst county in the UK, is (drum roll please…) Derbyshire. Eight-five per cent of this Midlands county’s roads require improvement, according to the research, which has trawled government figures.
Second in this dubious leaderboard comes the City of Bristol, where 80% of roads are deemed to be in need of repair or improvement. Blackburn in the North-West completes the podium, with 72.5% of roads requiring attention.
The figures are based on’s Road Condition Indicator Scores Reports, taking roads classified as ‘Red’ (further investigation required to ascertain if work is needed immediately), and ‘Amber’ (may need work sometime soon).
Now for the best areas (sorry to say it, but if you live in one of these Local Authority areas, it’s time to stop complaining about your local roads). The top four are all in the North-East, with Sunderland topping the bill, with 88.5% of roads in good condition. Close behind, tied for third place are Middlesbrough and Gateshead with 86.5%.
Much as we’re approaching the subject with a little levity here, the danger that potholes can present is a serious matter.
Cycling Weekly’s ‘War on Potholes’ series in late 2023 heard from those that had been injured after crashes caused by potholes, and reported a road maintenance budget for England and Wales of £1.3 billion.
Damaged roads can be particularly treacherous for cyclists at this time of year, with more standing water around, and frost further exacerbating conditions. Read our guide on how to approach potholed roads here.
The Labour government has pledged to fill a million extra potholes per year, and has increased the road repairs budget by around 50% to £1.6 billion.