There are several aspects about Hyper Light Breaker that you have to figure out for yourself, and it might take multiple runs for everything to click. One of these features is the Sines, and how you can use them to assist you in healing.
When you interact with a Sine, they’re designed to replenish your medkits. You use your medkits after you’ve taken some damage, replenishing any lost health. However, if you’re only started the game not too long ago, using medkits won’t mean much to you. However, the Sines are still important, and you’ll want to find as many as you can during your travels. Here’s what you need to know about how to heal at Sines and how they work in Hyper Light Breaker.
How Sines work in Hyper Light Breaker
Sines are tricky because they provide you a way to heal yourself, but they do not heal you. Instead, every time you interact with a Sine, they’re replenishing the amount of medkits you lost during your current run in the Overgrowth. If you’re about to find one of the bosses for their crown, or you want to attempt to escape using the teleporter pad, we’d recommend taking a stop at a nearby Sine. You’ll get a lost medkit back, increasing your chances of surviving against any foes you find along the way.
Another way Sines are useful is they serve as a respawn points. If you die during your run, when you return to the teleporter and head back out in the Overgrowth, you spawn at the nearest Sine that you perished near. It’s a good way for you to return back to your path, but these are randomly placed, which means you could be closer or further away from your original goal.
However, you don’t start with a medkit in Hyper Light Breaker. These are unlocked as you gather more items, defeat enemies, and explore the Overgrowth. If you’re lucky enough to return with items, there’s a good chance you can unlock a medkit, and start using it at a Sine after you get it.
Where to get medkits in Hyper Light Breaker
You need to speak with the Breaker Captain, the first vendor you can find in the hub shortly after you arrive. He’s at the start of the area. You’ll return to this location after as its the spawn point for when you come back from a run, either willingly or following a death. He’ll have multiple upgrades you can purchase from him, and several medkit packages, but they require Golden Rations.
The Golden Rations are tricky to come by in Hyper Light Breaker. They can appear after you’ve completed runs in the Overgrowth, and you use up all your lives, completing a run and defeating the Abyss King, or you can find them out in the Overgrowth. After you have least one, bring it to the Breaker Captain and you can exchange it for your first medkit.
This might be one of the best early upgrades you can grab in the game, as it greatly increases the chances of your survival. Outside of unlocking new characters and buying additional classes for them. There are only a handful of ways you can heal yourself outside of landing a perfect parry against an opponent, or having health drop from them during combat. Given the limited means of healing, upgrading and buying medkits are a great way to ensure you can complete a run in Hyper Light Breaker. After you use them, make sure to find a Sine on the map to refresh them before a big fight.
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