There are several items and resources you can find while exploring the Overgrowth in Hyper Light Breaker, which are vital to upgrading and improving your runs. A helpful item you’ll need to find are Golden Rations, and they can be difficult to track it down.
Like many resources you track down, Golden Rations are useful in providing upgrades to your hub and your equipment. This means if you want to give yourself a better chance at survival, they’re a vital item to track down while you play. We’ll be breaking down the best way you can find Golden Rations in Hyper Light Breaker, and where you can regularly find them. The game is procedurally generated, so our locations will vary from yours, but it should make it easier to find.
Where to find Golden Rations in Hyper Light Breaker
There are two ways you can get Golden Rations, and one is easier than the other. The first method is by locating them out in the Overgrowth during a ran. There’s a good chance you can find them close to Prisms, the keys you need to unlock to fight against the bosses of the region. If you get close to a Prism, they typically require you to find a key to unlock those areas, and there are several strong enemies guarding them. After you dispatch the enemies, there’s a chance a Golden Ration is inside a nearby chest, or you might have to search around for it.
You have to spend a certain amount of Bright Blood to open a Golden Ration chest, similar to the other chests you can find while exploring Hyper Light Breaker. Bright Blood is a common resource you can earn by defeating enemies, or by breaking crates you find along the way. It’s far easier to defeat enemies and earn enough Bright Blood to open the more hefty chests, which contain the best rewards. Thankfully, a chest with Golden Rations has a sign over it, indicating what reward you’re about to open.
The other method is by completing runs and reaching the end of a cycle, forcing you to reset the area. This happens if you’ve died several times during a run. If you scored high enough tough your time exploring the Overgrowth, unlocking shops, and defeating enemies, you’ll earn a Golden Ration. This can take quite a bit of time, and does require you to reach the end of a run, and pay to reset the cycle, if you have enough Bright Blood to activate the teleporter.
You can earn Golden Rations to unlock Sycoms, which are perks that you can give your character. For example, the first character you unlock Vermillion, has the Tank Sycom that you can unlock with a Golden Ration. The tank Sycom can be swapped out for the Gunslinger, and it gives you a boost of armor shortly after you complete a parry.
For those playing with others in their Hyper Light Breaker run, it’s a good idea to have various classes working alongside each other to face off against the toughest foes as you work your way to defeating the Abyss King. You’ll also need Golden Rations to purchase upgrades from the various vendors and merchants you find at the hub. Keep that in mind before purchasing a perk upgrade.
There are additional classes for you to unlock across the other characters in Hyper Light Breaker. Expect more to appear toughout the game’s early access, as the development team prepares future updates. Golden Rations are not the most difficult resource that you need to find, but it’s good to get them early and start unlocking additional perks for your favorite characters.
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