The Password Game requires you to create passwords abiding by specific rules. Sometimes, you need to include a capital letter or a symbol, and in Rule 12, your password must include a two-letter symbol from the periodic table.

While you might think of one or two such symbols, those are also easy to forget if you’re not particularly keen on chemistry. Now, you can relax, as we’ll give you all of the answers for Rule 12: “Your password must include a two-letter symbol from the periodic table”!

Here’s a full list of periodic table two-letter symbols for Rule 12 of The Password Game.

All two-letter symbols in the periodic table for The Password Game Rule 12

The following list is quite long but gives you every option to choose from when solving the “Your password must include a two-letter symbol from the periodic table” task. Make sure to keep reading after the table since we’ll give you some additional advice.

Symbol Atomic number
He 2
Li 3
Be 4
Ne 10
Na 11
Mg 12
Al 13
Si 14
Cl 17
Ar 18
Ca 20
Sc 21
Ti 22
Cr 24
Mn 25
Fe 26
Co 27
Ni 28
Cu 29
Zn 30
Ga 31
Ge 32
As 33
Se 34
Br 35
Kr 36
Rb 37
Sr 38
Zr 40
Nb 41
Mo 42
Tc 43
Ru 44
Rh 45
Pd 46
Ag 47
Cd 48
In 49
Sn 50
Sb 51
Te 52
Xe 54
Cs 55
Ba 56
La 57
Ce 58
Pr 59
Nd 60
Pm 61
Sm 62
Eu 63
Gd 64
Tb 65
Dy 66
Ho 67
Er 68
Tm 69
Yb 70
Lu 71
Hf 72
Ta 73
Re 75
Os 76
Ir 77
Pt 78
Au 79
Hg 80
Tl 81
Pb 82
Bi 83
Po 84
At 85
Rn 86
Fr 87
Ra 88
Ac 89
Th 90
Pa 91
Np 93
Pu 94
Am 95
Cm 96
Bk 97
Cf 98
Es 99
Fm 100
Md 101
No 102
Lr 103
Rf 104
Db 105
Sg 106
Bh 107
Hs 108
Mt 109
Sd 110
Rg 111

How to solve Rule 12 and beyond in The Password Game

Our table lists all possible two-letter symbols from the periodic table of elements. Using any symbol from the table counts as a successful solution. Remember that some of your other rules may break due to your selection, particularly Rule Nine, which says all Roman numerals in your password must multiply to equal 35.

As such, seeing that some symbols contain Roman numerals, I recommend picking a two-letter element with consonants, like AlZnBr, or Tb.

We’ve also included the atomic number for each symbol, which may help you solve Rule 18, which states that the combined atomic number of symbols in your password must equal 200.

Read the full article here

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